a lost friend

Date Submitted: 07/19/2015
Author Info: Monica (newark, nj - USA) 
Occupation: Other
Lived in NY on 9.11.01?: No
Knew someone who perished?: Yes

it was that sunny morning, i just had gotten to work and i had imagined that day was going to be any other normal day. my client had no way of getting to work (worked at the twin towers) so he called a friend to work for him that day because he was closer and something had come up. about 30 minutes later we turn on the news and we see the twin towers had been hit. my client then says “i really hope my co-worker survives this.” everything has changed. a couple hours later the phones started working for us… my client calls me down stairs, (one of his other co-workers had survived the attack leaving terrible news) surviver tells my client: “the worker you sent to work at the north tower never made it out,” – we felt so sad because my client had been good friends with the co-worker, my client then says” it could have been me” – he cries.


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