An Unforgettable Day

Date Submitted: 04/02/2003
Author Info: Diane (San Antonio, TX - USA) 
Occupation: Government/Military
Lived in NY on 9.11.01?: No
Knew someone who perished?: Yes

I came into my government job like I normally do. I sat down to do my work when someone came up to me and asked if they could turn the TV on. I said sure and smiled, but not too loud I said. He told me the WTC was just attacked.
I felt like I was in a vacume and the world just caved in.
When I was told there was an attack on the Pentagon I was concerned about a Navy Captain friend that was there and my son and father who lived not too far away in Virginia. I tried to watch TV most of the day. People kept coming up to me and telling me don’t worry my son is all right, and said what about my friend? I tried calling Washington but couldn’t get through. It took me till 10 Pm to finally reach my son’s father. I cried talking to my son relieved to hear his voice. That is when I found out my friend was there. I couldn’t get through to his wife yet. No answer.
Next day I finally got through to her and it was confirmed the Navy Captain was among the dead/missing.

I went to bed crying that night for my friend and for my country too.

It was a long day, which ran into a long week. I lost my innocence that day along with a long time friend who only went to work that day and nothing more.


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