Baptized for the dead

Date Submitted: 10/05/2012
Author Info: Douglas (Moriarty NM - USA) 
Occupation: Self Employed/Entrepeneur
Lived in NY on 9.11.01?: No
Knew someone who perished?: No

My wife and family and I live in Moriarty NM. We came here to live with two women who know Jesus personally. We wanted to have what they have. That was in 1997. We have also come to know Jesus and Hear His voice and have witnessed many miracles. To numerous to write about.
Aprox. 2 weeks prior to 9/11/2001 Char told us that Jesus wanted us to go to the ocean to be baptized for the dead. And asked us to seek Him about why.
To make a long story short We went to Morrow Bay CA. On the Way Char by the Holy Spirit said “Rachael weeping for her children” Jer.31/15 we all felt the impact of it.
Silvana,Char,my wife Therese ,my son Jordan and myself were camped by the ocean when on the night of 9/10 2001 Char said Jesus told her in the morning go and be baptized for the dead.
When we were attacked we knew it was for the dead. We all went down to ocean in Morrow Bay baptized.
Jesus told us that He received all the dead victims of 9/11 /2001 to heaven because of our Obedience. Only the terrorists went to hell.
You can read of other things Jesus has and is doing through us at


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