I was 19 years old at the time and in love with NYC. I had visited there in high school, and remember how beautiful the New York skyline was. That Monday night I had stayed with a friend Houston and had to get up early to drive back to college for a 9 am class. I was stuck in rush hour traffic when the news came on the radio about the first plane. I remember thinking what kind of idiot could accidentally hit the World Trade Center. When the second plane hit I heard it live on air. Stuck in traffic I could see others around me were listening to it too by the looks on their faces. It was surreal. The drive back is a blur now, but I do remember the news of the Pentagon came on the radio as I was exiting in my college town. We all watched the news the rest of the day in my dorm loby. Seeing the people jump live on TV was terrible. I remember the guys talking about joining the military. I wanted to go home . I was worried about my dad who worked on the Houston Ship Channel. It was a sad day.