I remember I was in my first class of the day in college. I was a junior at VCU and in Physical anthropology class. I remember my professor came in flustered. She said there was a major event of some sort and we wouldn’t be having class that day. She told us to assemble outside where a spokesperson for VCU would give us more information. We all went outside onto the plaza and listened to someone say that there was an attack on the World Trade Center in NY. Classes were dismissed for the day and I drove home listening to the news on the car radio. I got home and turned on the tv and watched the footage all day. Seeing he pentagon hit brought it even closer. There was a rumor that the Richmond Federal Reserve may have also been a target. My mother is from NYC and was calling people she still knew there to see if everyone was OK. As far as I know everyone she knew from NY was not injured or killed. It was a crazy week, month and couple of years. Remember the Anthrax attacks followed the next couple weeks and then the DC sniper the next year. Scary times in central Va!