Just started high school, 100 miles away in NW CT

Date Submitted: 06/10/2012
Author Info: Eric (Port Saint Lucie, FL - USA) 
Occupation: Unemployed/Between Jobs
Lived in NY on 9.11.01?: No
Knew someone who perished?: No

It was the 3rd week of my freshman year at Bristol Eastern High School in Bristol, CT. I was a month shy of 15 years old. I was born and raised in this town and being in Connecticut, New York City has a huge impact on the state. “The City” as most people call it was only about 100 miles from my hometown, but for people living in Fairfield County in Southwest Connecticut it was only 30-50 miles north of Lower Manhattan. Many people in that part of the state commuted to the city every single day on the metronorth line. Its insane to think about how many people were effected in the state. I can remember being in 9th Grade World History that morning during the time of the attacks, but nobody was aware in my class. Homeroom was at 9:09am, and nothing was said at that point either, so we moved on to English until 10:40am. My next class was Drawing and Painting…that is when I first heard about the attacks. A senior came by our open door from the hallway and told us that a plane was stuck between the two towers of the World Trade Center. Obviously, not exactly what happened, but news was traveling fast. I heard more and more details toward the end of the day. School was let out at normal time 2pm just after a brief announcement by the Principal describing what happened in New York that day. After that, I walked home with my best friend and all we talked about is what we heard. I then got home and watched the news coverage for the rest of the night including President Bush’s address to the nation. I am now 25 years old, living in South Florida, and i look back at that day, I can still remember vividly the course of the day, and the news that I had heard and seen. I had been to New York so many times, on school trips, personal trips, living so close its a big part of life in the area. God Bless Everyone we lost that day, and God Bless America.


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