I was an operator at our local Target store. Over the walkie-talkie system that we used, you could hear chatter of anybody passing by electronics. Most of the time they were saying if you can’t see your TV or listen to a radio please come to electronics now. I was the operator and was stuck in the back by the fitting rooms and did not have any clue what was going on. I was finally allowed to go to electronics to see the burning of tower one. at that point I could not comprehend what was going on, only that there was a plane that crashed into it. We were limited with our information that time. I worked the rest of my shift and heard the remainder of the story on the radio. I remember driving home and anytime the radio had to cut off the story, we Greenwood’s ” God bless the USA” would play on repeat. Even reflecting back on that time it’s bringing tears to my eyes. The emotions I felt and that song played are the exact same motions I still feel today.