Money Town

Date Submitted: 09/06/2013
Author Info: Rebecca (Dayton, Oh - USA) 
Occupation: Student
Lived in NY on 9.11.01?: No
Knew someone who perished?: No

On 9/11 2001 I was two and a half years old. My mom says we (my older brother, and I) were with here at the library checking out books and such when the news came on the TV. She says she remembers watching the smoke come out of the first building, when suddenly a second airplane came into the view and collided with the second tower. This is where she says we were, but that’s not the part of that day I remember.

I remember later that day my brother and I were playing a computer game called Money Town, when I turn around and seeing my mom covering he mouth and starring at the TV. I looked at the screen and saw a replay of a tower collapsing and a fiery mess. I was really young at the time and so I don’t recall the exact info. I just remember seeing my mom look so upset and thinking,”What happened?” (I might not have thought exactly that because after all I was two, but I know it was something like that.)

To this day I think about that day and everything that happened. And I always remember that day with the song “Where were you when the world stopped turning” by Alan Jackson.


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