My thoughts

Date Submitted: 09/12/2006
Author Info: Missy (Omaha, NE - USA) 
Occupation: Sales/Marketing/Advertising
Lived in NY on 9.11.01?: No
Knew someone who perished?: No

I remember that morning I had to take my car in to have the serpentine belt replaced. My boyfriend at the time dropped me off at work. I overheard someone say something about a plane hitting the World Trade Center. Then I started looking online. After the second plane hit we all knew something was terribly wrong. I called my mom and woke her up. I told her we were being attacked and she should turn on the news. I told her I’d call her later. Around that same time our office notified that we were closing. I asked my boss for a ride home. I tried reaching my boyfriend but he was in the military and I couldn’t get through. I called my mom back and we both started crying. Later that day the President came to Omaha where I live. My mom called me and told me I should come home (to Illinois). But I knew I still had to work the next day.

I remember being in shock for the next few days. It was hard to believe it had happened. I remember being angry that someone had done this.

Even five years later I see this still affecting us. Restrictions are tighter than ever at airports – which I am grateful for. But at the same time I don’t think we will ever feel completely safe again. I think I appreciate my family and friends more now also.

I also wanted to say to the families, firefighters, volunteers, and military – whether you know it or not you are all thought of and appreciated. My prayers are always with you.


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