I awoke early in the morning and turned on the TV to see a huge hole on one building in WTC. Seeing that the other plane hit the other tower was just amazed. I talked to my best friend who died later on 5/1/02 and told him a reporter said the pentagon just erupted and shook like it had been bombed. I remember my friend saying that that was impossible to attack the pentagon, heh…My father worked downtown, and people were leaving so I hit the streets only to find chaos and panic. Remember Houston is host to all the refineries and corporate offices of Shell, Chevron, Texaco, Conoco, Exxon, and a slew of other oil interests. The gas stations were backed up into the feeder roads, and everyone was on their cell phones…while pumping gas(duh-huh).
Later I married my wife who was supposed to be there for a two-week training class with Morgan Stanley on the 77th floor of WTC1. She lost several friends there, and had another named Kim who came down 78 flights (coffee break room was one floor higher), ran north into Midtown, saw a shoe store, and actually was able to buy running shoes and toss her high heels.