Remembering 9/11

Date Submitted: 09/11/2014
Author Info: Dennis (Pittsburgh, PA - USA) 
Occupation: Other
Lived in NY on 9.11.01?: No
Knew someone who perished?: No

“The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are
crushed in spirit.” Psalm 34:18 NIV

Today is a day my wife and I will never forget. Because both of us were born and raised in New York the events that unfolded on 9/11 struck us to our very core.

I was in the middle of training that morning aboard Camp Lejeune, NC when our instructor called all of his students into one of the nearby classrooms. As we huddled together around the 27” color television we gazed in horror as our Nation and my beloved city were under attack.

“Was this really happening?” I thought to myself. As the second tower was struck so were we with grief, sadness, and even anger. Surrealism suddenly turned into sobriety and many of us Marines, in disbelief at what we had just witnessed, had tears streaming down our cheeks. My buddy to the left of me had to take a seat and just sat there for a while with his head in his hands, contemplating the disaster that had just taken place.

Trying to call home was futile as all of the land lines and cellular circuits were tied up. I couldn’t even reach my wife who was only a few short miles away! Nothing could describe the sort of helplessness I felt in not being able to communicate with my family, but that was nothing compared to those who were stranded in WTC 1 & 2, aboard Flight 93, and the families left behind of those who had perished that day.

When I finally arrived at home, Tina met me at the door. I remember we just looked at each other in disbelief and for a brief moment time seemed to have stood still. Words escaped us and so we simply collapsed in each other’s arms weeping silently. It was a day that will forever be etched in our memories, but it is also a reminder to never take one more day for granted nor those whom we love as well.

Do you remember where you were on 9/11?

Semper Fi & God Bless,


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