So Surreal…

Date Submitted: 01/07/2002
Author Info: Robb (Orlando, FL - USA) 
Occupation: Graphic Design
Lived in NY on 9.11.01?: No
Knew someone who perished?: No

I was at work when the events took place. It was like any other day; I was getting ready to tackle that daily schedule.

I was working away and my co-worker that has a desk by me said his brother just sent him a message on the computer saying a plane had crashed into one of the towers. My first thought was a small engine plane crashed into the building. I never expected what was going to come after this event.

Everyone else on our side of the office came around and we tried going to some news web sites and could not get in. By this time we all new something big was happening. We did not have a TV available in our office so we all went to the pizza parlor next to our office and crowed around the TV.

When I saw the plane hit the building, I could not believe what I was seeing. These images I watched on the news were ones I had seen in movies, not in real life. I could see so many emotions showing in the faces around me. Some were in shock, some in tears, some in disbelief and others angry.

After the collapse of the 2nd tower I was so sad for all of the people on the ground and the ones that could not get out of the buildings in time.

We stayed at the pizza parlor for most of the morning and then returned to our office. Nobody was in the mood to work and just wanted to be with family. Our boss said we could leave if we wanted to. I think almost everyone left.

These events have changed my life and I can see a change in the people all around me. I do not take life for granted anymore. Love your family and friends. Next time you are hugging someone, think about how much you would miss the person if they were not here anymore. 🙂


Site Design & Development
Robb Bennett @ Visual23

Site Design & Logo Design
Vince Pileggi

Managed By
Ali Imran Zaidi

Originally created in 2001 by
Robb Bennett and Ali Imran Zaidi.