The Day I’ll Never Forget

Date Submitted: 09/11/2002
Author Info: Tammy (Oak Hill - USA) 
Occupation: Government/Military
Lived in NY on 9.11.01?: No
Knew someone who perished?: No

On the morning of 9/11/01 I had no idea of what was going to come out of the day. I really didnt find anything out about what had happened early during the morning. Around 11:30 I had went to the book store at the college I attended and one of the employees had the radio on and I had heard a little bit of what was going on. I asked her what was happening and she had told me that there were some hijacked planes that had crashed into the WTC and The Pentagon. I was shocked and went straight to the computer lab to see what was going on since no tv was available. I couldn’t really sink in what had happened until I went home and my mom was sitting there just watching the tv. I all of a sudden broke down and started to cry. Because I felt so much sorrow for the people that had lost their lives and what else was to come. After this day my life has changed. I have now joined my state’s National Guard. And I am ready to serve my country to the fullest.


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