To Remember

Date Submitted: 09/08/2002
Author Info: William (Little Rock, AR - USA) 
Occupation: Customer Service/Support
Lived in NY on 9.11.01?: No
Knew someone who perished?: No

A year should be a long time, but the tragedy that occurred September eleven 2001, will never be erased from my memory, except at my on death.

Sadness and gladness can be traced from 9/11/2001.

Gladness from the fact that many people have chosen a better way to live their life. The high road is for all who love this Country as well as those who love Peace and Democracy.

May God be with us all today and all days to come. Once more we have a chance to say God Bless America.

May we all keep the faith in this USA.


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Robb Bennett @ Visual23

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