Wasnt even born yet

Date Submitted: 02/06/2017
Author Info: kelvin (BROOKLYN, NY, United States) 
Occupation: Computer Software
Lived in NY on 9.11.01?: No
Knew someone who perished?: No

I know i wasn’t even born yet but was born on September 27 2002. just a year and 16 days after 9 11. i never witnessed it live but i actually live in NYC. I saw tons and tons and tons of vids and i never went to ground zero. TBH I never knew about 9 11 until 4th grade and that was in 2013. ( yes i got left back twice). and now i am a junior in middle school. Now i am realizing how thankful i wasn’t born and how i was no where near the 1993 bombing. I thank god to this day. Although i kinda believe george w bush was in on it because he was reading to kids at some school when it happened. and then he is gonna respond back on November. WTF??? Even his secretary advised him and he ignored it. i actually had a dream of being in one of the towers last floor and falling. I was so scared i didn’t go to sleep until 5 AM. I now reside in Marcy projects and i can see the freedom tower from my floor. this makes me feel like we now have freedom since osama got killed. i can just imagine seeing the dust and smoke and being terrified.


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