I was at home relaxing in bed during a day off. My assistant called and asked if I’d seen the news about the plane that had just crashed into a building in New York. I started making my way to the TV when he said “don’t they see the building! They are going to hit it!” I turned my TV on and the first image I saw was of the 2nd plane hiting the second tower. I was at a loss of what emotion I was feeling, it was a combination of very instant and acute disbelief, deep sadness, fear, helplessness, worry, concern, and pain. My physical reaction was an inability to make a sound or remain standing. I sat down on the bed, then my first thought was my kids. I had to get my 6 son and 12 year daughter from school. They need to be with us. I had to protect them. I hurried to the schools. The first secretary tried to assure me that they were OK, but without my saying a word she saw from my expression that this was not really a request. She seemed to pause, and sincerly re-think her statement to me that “it’s not necessary to take the kids out of school”.