WTC Tour

Date Submitted: 09/11/2012
Author Info: Helen (Scotch Plains - USA) 
Occupation: Computer Software
Lived in NY on 9.11.01?: Yes
Knew someone who perished?: No

I had just moved to NYC a month before, and I had just settled into my new apartment the week of 9/11. Now that I was settled I thought I would take my best friend who helped me with my transition to NYC to do some site seeing. We were planning on checking out the WTC , so the night of 9/10 we set our alarm and fell asleep. The next morning we hit the snooze button but heard my new roommate crying in the living room. We couldn’t believe what we were seeing. Never felt so scared in my entire life. Hours after we saw the many people covered with soot walking up 2nd ave. My apartment was on 18th street. The weeks after were rough. There were flyers everywhere and people out on the street handing out flyers. They were all looking for their loved ones. I cried every day I walked to school as I looked at all these posters. And to this day on 9/11 I cry for all those people.


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